Hepatitis B Screen

Hepatitis B Screen

 Hepatitis B Screen  Hepatitis B is a blood born pathogen that can causes chronic liver disease if left untreated. It is contracted from blood and or bodily fluids.  The test looks for the presence of Hepatitis B antigen. If the screening test comes back positive,...
Hepatitis C Screen

Hepatitis C Screen

Hepatitis C Screen  This test screens for the presence of Hepatitis C infection, a virus that infects the liver leading to cirrhosis and liver failure.  By far, contaminated needles in Intravenous drug users and blood transfusions are the two most common reasons for...
Syphilis Screen

Syphilis Screen

Syphilis Screen  Syphilis is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection that initially presents itself as a painless genital ulcer and if untreated progressing to diffuse rash. The development of rash is termed secondary syphillis. Some individuals may have no...
Viral Hepatitis Test

Viral Hepatitis Test

Viral Hepatitis Test This panel tests for common viral infections of the liver leading to chronic liver disease including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis A.  The  hepatitis panel gives more information about a Hepatitis B infection; whether acute or  chronic. ...
HIV Screen

HIV Screen

HIV Screen  HIV infection has an insidious nature of brewing in the body until significant loss of Immune function leads to the development of AIDs. This means majority of Individuals who contract the infection will haven no symptoms early in the disease course. In...