Comprehensive STI Profile

1. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea . Screens for sexually transmitted infection by chlamydia and or gonorrhea. The tests looks for the presence of DNA of Chlamydia and or Gonorrhea in your urine. A first-catch urine sample is used to run the test.

2. *Syphilis– The ADVIA Centaur® CP System detects  antibody to specific proteins found on the Treponemal bacteria. It’s presence indicates past or present infection due to antibodies once generated persisting for life.  As a result, all positive results will be followed up with a confirmation test either with Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPPA) or Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABBS).

3. *HIV 1/O/2 Enhanced-Tests for presence of antibody to Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, including group o
and or type 2. 

4. HSV-1 and HSV-2: Herpes simplex virus infection (HSV) . 


Direct Pay patient: $267

* Any positive results will require additional confirmation testing which will be an additional cost. 


STD Screen HIV 1 & 2 Ab

HIV 1/O/2 Enhanced-Tests for presence of antibody to Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, including group o
and  type 2

Direct Pay Cost:  $65



STD screen syphilis

Syphilis- Screens for syphilis. 

Our lab uses the Treponemal antibody test.  It has a 100% sensitivity. An initial reactive treponemal screens will need to be confirmed with Treponemal pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPPA) or to Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABBS). 

Direct Pay cost:  Screening only $30. 

STDScreen Chlamydia/Gonorrhea

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea . Screens for sexually transmitted infection by chlamydia and or gonorrhea. The tests looks for the presence of DNA of Chlamydia and or Gonorrhea in your urine. A first-catch urine sample is used to run the test.

Direct Pay: $100


Hepatitis Panel

The panel will test all of the following at once. 

1.Hep A IgM-Screens for Acute Hepatitis A infection.  
2.Hep C antibody: Screens for presence of Hepatitis C infection. A positive test result will need a confirmation. 
3.Hep B surface Antigen (HBsAg)-is a protein that on the surface of Hepatitis B virus and the detection of it’s presence in the blood indicates person is infectious. The chronicity of the infection however, cannot be detected with this test alone.
4.Anti Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs)-This antibody is generated by the body in response to the presence of HBsAg in the blood. The presence of this antibody alone indicates either natural immunity due to previously being infected with the virus and having recovered and or being vaccinated against it.
5.Total Anti Hepatits B Core antibody(Anti-HBc): Generated in response to acute Hepatitis B and persists for life. The presence of Anti-HBc indicates previous or ongoing infection. Other lab results will have to be utilized to make sense of a positive result.
6. IgM antibody to Hepatitis B core antigen (IgM anti-HBc): The presence of this antibody in the blood indicates acute infection with hepatitis B Virus.
7.HBe Ag-the presence of this protein in the blood suggest high levels of HBV DNA in serum
and active viral replication.

Direct Pay cost: Screening only $130


Hepatitis C screen
Screens for the presence of Hepatitis C infection.
Hepatitis B Screen
Screens for Hepatitis B infection. The test looks for the presence of Hepatitis B antigen.

Additional testing will help clarify whether acute or chronic infection.

Hepatitis A
Screens for Acute Hepatitis A infection by measuring the levels of IgM, generated by the body during acute infection.

Direct Pay cost: $50