We have simplified and created easy to understand panels to choose from. Browse through the panels below and choose the right category for you. If you need help or have any questions call or send us a message and will get back to you as soon as possible. 


Comprehensive baseline Health Panel

This panel  allows  detection of  diseases that may affect your kidneys, heart, liver,bone marrow, thyroid as well as screen for diabetes.

1. Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)-Screens for abnormal electrolytes  such as low potassium, liver failure, kidney failure, and other systemic illnesses.

Individual components:  Albumin, Alkaline Phosphotase, Aspartate Amino Transferase (SGOT), Alanine Amino Transferase (SGPT), Bilirubin, Total, BUN, Calcium, C02, Chloride, Creatinine, Glucose, Potassium, Sodium, Total Protein. 

2. Complete blood count (CBC)-Screens for cancer of the blood, low hemoglobin, low platelet, and conversely disorders leading to high hemoglobin and high platelet counts. 

Individual components: White Blood Cell Count (WBC),  Complete Blood Count (CBC), Hemoglobin (Hgb), Platelet (Plt),  MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, MPV. 

3. Cholesterol and lipids: Screens for cardiovascular disease and the levels of good and bad cholesterol in your blood. This test measures  Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), High-density lipoprotein (HDL), Triglycerides,  and Total Cholesterol. High levels of LDL, so called “bad cholesterol” is associated with plaque build up and atherosclerosis predisposing to future heart attacks and stroke.  

Individual components:  HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides

4. Thyroid screen (TSH): Screens for  diseases affecting the thyroid hormone.  Thyroid hormone manages level of metabolism in your body.  Low thyroid leads to low metabolism causing, fatigue, constipation, hair loss, depression, mental slowing. High thyroid levels leads to a state of high metabolism causing high blood pressure,  palpitations, increased heart rate,  nervousness, tremor,  irritability, weight loss, among a constellation of symptoms. 

5. A1C-Use to screen for Diabetes and pre-diabetes. It gives an average of what your blood sugar has been over the previous three months. 

For patients paying out of pocket, the entire panel is only $144. 


General Health Panel


1. CBC-  Screens for certain cancers of the blood, low hemoglobin, low platelet, and conversely disorders leading to high hemoglobin and high platelet counts. 

2. CMP  Screens for abnormal electrolytes  such as potassium, Liver problems  abnormal kidney function.  

For the patient paying out of pocket, the above panel will cost $60. 


Women's Health Profile

1.Complete blood count (CBC):  Screens for cancer of the blood, low hemoglobin, low platelet, and conversely disorders leading to high hemoglobin and high platelet counts. 

2. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP):  Screens for abnormal electrolytes  such as low potassium, liver failure, kidney failure, and other systemic illnesses.

3. Hgb A1C: Use to screen for Diabetes and Pre-diabetes. It gives an average of what your blood sugar has been over the previous three months. 

3. Cholesterol and lipid panel: Screens for cardiovascular disease and the levels of good and bad cholesterol in your blood. This test measures  Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), High-density lipoprotein (HDL), Triglycerides,  and Total Cholesterol. High levels of LDL, so called “bad cholesterol” is associated with plaque build up and atherosclerosis predisposing to future heart attacks and stroke.  

4. Thyroid screen (TSH): Screens for  diseases affecting the thyroid hormone.  Thyroid hormone manages level of metabolism in your body.  Low thyroid leads to low metabolism causing, fatigue, constipation, hair loss, depression, mental slowing. High thyroid levels leads to a state of high metabolism causing high blood pressure,  palpitations, increased heart rate,  nervousness, tremor,  irritability, weight loss, among a constellation of symptoms. 



The out-pocket cost of the all the above tests is $136. 

Diabetes Management Panel

Patients who have diabetes are strongly encouraged to follow with their primary care doctor regularly. Regular check ups and blood work screening for early signs of kidney damage and organ injury are important in the management of diabetes as early detection leads to changes in management and drug therapy. 


1. Complete blood count (CBC):  Screens for cancer of the blood, low hemoglobin, low platelet.

2. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP):  Screens for abnormal electrolytes  such as potassium, liver failure, kidney failure, and other systemic illnesses

3. Hgb A1C: Use to screen for Diabetes and Pre-diabetes. It gives an average of what your blood sugar has been over the previous three months. 

4. Diabetic Urinalysis: Screens for damage to the kidney from diabetes, called diabetic nephropathy. It gives an indication of the extent of injury and disease by detecting proteins being spilled into the urine that otherwise would not have in a someone with no diabetes. 

The Above panel for patients paying out of pocket is  $98


Nutritional Health

1.Complete blood count (CBC):  Screens for cancer of the blood, low hemoglobin, low platelet, and conversely disorders leading to high hemoglobin and high platelet counts. 

2. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP):  Screens for abnormal electrolytes  such as low potassium, liver failure, kidney failure, and other systemic illnesses.

3. Iron Profile(Iron level, Ferritin, TIBC, Transferrin Saturation (TF%): Screens for common causes of Low Iron leading to anemia such as blood loss from menstruation,  lack of iron in your diet, poor absorption in the intestine.

4. Folate and RBC Folate:  Folate is a water-soluble B  vitamins  that is an essential for DNA synthesis. Low Folate  can lead to birth defects in newborns, as well as anemia causing causing excessive fatigue, muscle weakness, numbness and tingling in the hands & feet.  Serum Folate provides an early index of Folate status in the body. RBC Folate is indicator of long-term status of Folate storage in the body and is less sensitive to fluctuations in serum concentrations due to changes in diet. 

5. B12: Screens for low B12 which can cause low hemoglobin, depression, irritability, depression, changes in ability to think, recall, as well as impact how you feel, behave, and your ability to walk. 

6. Vitamin D: Extremely low Vitamin D can cause muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, as well as predipose to bone fracture and osteoporosis. Having normal Vitamin D levels  makes you less like to get  certain cancers such as colon & breast cancer , infections, heart disease and high blood pressure.

For the patient paying out of pocket, the Entire Nutritional Health Panel will cost  $264

Men's Health profile

1. Testosterone-Screens for prostate cancerIt measures prostate-specific antigen(PSA), a protein made by both cancerous and normal cells in the prostate gland. It’s levels maybe increased by cancer but also other conditions such as infection, inflammation, or an enlarged prostate. 

2. Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)-Screens for abnormal electrolytes  such as low potassium, liver failure, kidney failure, and other systemic illnesses.

3. Complete blood count (CBC)-Screens for cancer of the blood, low hemoglobin, low platelet, and conversely disorders leading to high hemoglobin and high platelet counts. 

4. Cholesterol and lipids: Screens for cardiovascular disease and the levels of good and bad cholesterol in your blood. This test measures  Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), High-density lipoprotein (HDL), Triglycerides,  and Total Cholesterol. High levels of LDL, so called “bad cholesterol” is associated with plaque build up and atherosclerosis predisposing to future heart attacks and stroke.  

5. Hgb A1C: Use to screen for Diabetes and Pre-diabetes. It gives an average of what your blood sugar has been over the previous three months. 


Direct pay cost: $127


Diabetes Screen

1. Hemoglobin A1C: Use to screen for Diabetes and Pre-diabetes. It gives an average of what your blood sugar has been over the previous three months.

2. Random glucose level: An instant measures your blood sugar level 


Direct pay cost: $38


Cholesterol Screen

1. Cholesterol and lipids: Screens for cardiovascular disease and the levels of good and bad cholesterol in your blood. This test measures  Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), High-density lipoprotein (HDL), Triglycerides,  and Total Cholesterol. High levels of LDL, so called “bad cholesterol” is associated with plaque build up and atherosclerosis predisposing to future heart attacks and stroke. 

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