Cardiovascular disease

What is cardiovascular risk assessment

The full cardiovascular risk assessment involves screening for traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Acting to reduce these risk factors will lower one’s chance of death from cardiovascular cause. Screening for these risk factors and risk assessment should be done in consultation with your primary care doctor.

A cholesterol blood test allows early detection of high LDL levels that may necessitate treatment with medications that lower cholesterol called statins. Patients are recommended to obtain a baseline lipid profile, and if LDL cholesterol is greater than or equal to 190 mg/dl, start lipid lowering medication as well as lifestyle modifications

For those above age 40 or older, in addition to cholesterol blood measurements, screening Diabetes and high blood pressure, allows the calculation of the probability of developing of heart disease or stroke in the next 10 years.

The following are traditional Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors

2.Cigarette Smoking
5.Premature family history of CVD in 1st degree relative


Cardiovascular Risk she be re-calculated or re-assessed every 4-6 years in adults.